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"I manage projects with Humanity, Efficience and Creativity"

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Franck Ruiz - Marketing Director / La Ciotat / France


Envisioning ethical marketing at the core of our projects, where creativity meets performance, and human insight blends with data. True success emerges from a team's shared effort, unlocking everyone's potential.


Guiding our team to success through attentive listening, skillful analysis, and collaboration, we aim to align our products and services with the right audience using authentic messaging and actions.

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I have a wonderful job!

With over 20 years of experience in marketing and sales, I have successfully navigated major challenges and collaborated with exceptional individuals across various industries. I am eager to bring this valuable expertise to a motivated, innovative, and human-centric company, where I can contribute to driving growth and achieving outstanding results

Main Skills


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The last 10

Medical Imaging

Since June 2022 


Global Marketing Director

At Cercare Medical, a pioneering company in perfusion imaging post-processing software, I was recruited by the newly appointed Vice President to establish and lead the marketing department.

In this role, I played a pivotal role in driving the company’s dynamic growth by developing comprehensive marketing strategies that enhanced brand visibility and market penetration in the medical imaging sector.

I coordinated and managed the launch of innovative software products, ensuring effective market entry and customer adoption.

I built a strong marketing team by recruiting, training, and leading talented professionals, fostering a collaborative and high-performance culture. Additionally, I spearheaded digital marketing initiatives, including website development, SEO, and social media campaigns, which resulted in increased online engagement and lead generation.

My efforts also included forging strategic partnerships with leading healthcare providers, research institutions, and technology companies to expand market reach and drive growth. I planned and executed successful industry events, conferences, and webinars to showcase Cercare Medical’s cutting-edge solutions and engage with key stakeholders.

Furthermore, I supported the company’s international sales efforts by developing tailored marketing strategies for diverse global markets, contributing to significant revenue growth. Conducting thorough market research and competitive analysis allowed me to identify opportunities and adjust marketing strategies accordingly.

My tenure at Cercare Medical was marked by a commitment to innovation and excellence, significantly contributing to the company’s position as a leader in the medical imaging software industry.

  • Established a Strategic Marketing Department: Successfully created and led a marketing department to drive the company’s growth and market presence.
  • Positioned Our Product as a Key Decision-Support Tool: Strategically positioned our software in the market, emphasizing its value as an essential decision-support tool in the medical imaging industry.
  • Optimized Marketing Budget Allocation: Reorganized the marketing budget to ensure optimal allocation of resources, maximizing return on investment.
  • Embraced New Digital Communication Experiences: Adapted and enhanced company communications to leverage new digital platforms and experiences, increasing engagement and reach.
  • Managed High-Profile Event Participation: Oversaw the company’s presence at major industry events and congresses, including RSNA, ECR, ASNR, and JFR, ensuring impactful participation.
  • Created Essential Marketing Assets: Developed critical marketing materials and assets that bolstered the sales team’s efforts and supported overall business objectives.
  • Fostered Collaboration with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs): Cultivated and developed relationships with KOLs to enhance the company’s credibility and influence within the industry.
  • Coordinated Partner & Distributor Actions: Effectively coordinated and contributed to joint actions with partners and distributors, strengthening business alliances and expanding market reach.
  • Bridged Cross-Departmental Collaboration: Facilitated cohesive operations by bridging various departments, including clinical, research, and sales, to ensure alignment and synergy in company initiatives.

Medical Imaging

April 2020 to march 2022


Marketing Director

At Olea Medical, I spearheaded the creation of a strategic marketing department, redefining our market positioning and optimizing the marketing budget for maximum efficiency.

My role encompassed modernizing communications to embrace digital platforms, leading participation in high-profile industry events, and developing impactful marketing assets.

Additionally, I fostered relationships with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and enhanced interdepartmental collaboration to ensure cohesive and aligned operations across the organization.

  • Established a Strategic Marketing Department: Successfully created and led a marketing department to drive strategic growth and enhance market presence.
  • Positioned New Products as Key Decision-Support Tools: Strategically introduced new products to the market, highlighting their value as essential decision-support tools in medical imaging.
  • Optimized Marketing Budget for Greater Efficiency: Reorganized the marketing budget to ensure optimal allocation of resources, maximizing return on investment.
  • Launched the « Spin to the Limit » MR Book Campaign: Successfully launched a high-impact campaign for the MR book « Spin to the Limit, » increasing brand visibility and engagement.
  • Aligned Company Communication with Digital Trends: Adapted and modernized company communications to align with new digital trends, enhancing online presence and engagement.
  • Led Participation in Major Events and Congresses: Managed and coordinated participation in key industry events and congresses, including RSNA, ECR, ASFNR, JFR, and SIFEM, ensuring impactful representation.
  • Developed Essential Marketing Assets: Created critical marketing materials and assets to support and enhance sales efforts.
  • Fostered Relationships with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs): Cultivated and developed strong relationships with KOLs to bolster the company’s credibility and influence within the industry.
  • Collaborated with the Canon Group: Coordinated efforts and contributed to strategic initiatives with the Canon Group, strengthening business alliances.
  • Integrated Cross-Departmental Operations: Bridged various departments such as clinical, research, and sales, ensuring cohesive and integrated operations across the organization.

Advice to business leaders
outsourcing of services

October 2013 to march 2020



I founded Elliot Shebaski with the vision of empowering business leaders by integrating a wide range of resources and expertise. 

Our robust network of over 35 specialists in finance, HR, marketing, digital, legal, and sales has supported over 100 companies across diverse sectors such as health, construction, intellectual property, gastronomy, and wine.

At Elliot Shebaski, our team conducts comprehensive analyses of each company’s strengths and weaknesses, providing tailored guidance for market positioning and opportunity capture. Whether it’s for specific projects or ongoing support, we deliver strategic insights and actionable recommendations to help businesses thrive.


  • Conducting Comprehensive Company Diagnostics

    • Performing in-depth evaluations of company operations to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Facilitating Product Launches

    • Coordinating all aspects of product introductions, from market research and strategy development to execution and follow-up analysis.
  • Providing Digital Services

    • Offering a full suite of digital solutions, including website development, search engine optimization (SEO), social media management, and custom programming.
  • Developing and Implementing E-Learning Solutions

    • Creating tailored e-learning platforms and content to support employee training and development.
  • Representing Clients in International Sales Endeavors

    • Acting as the client’s representative in global markets, managing negotiations, and securing sales agreements.
  • Assisting with New Market Positioning

    • Helping companies enter and establish themselves in new markets through strategic planning and positioning.
  • Enhancing Branding Strategies

    • Developing and refining brand identities and strategies to improve market presence and consumer recognition.
  • Managing Press and Media Relations

    • Overseeing all aspects of media interactions, including press releases, interviews, and crisis management.
  • Organizing and Overseeing Events

    • Planning and executing corporate events, conferences, and trade shows to promote business objectives.
  • Leading the Reorganization of Client Services

    • Streamlining and restructuring client service operations to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction.
  • Guiding Legal and Financial Restructuring Efforts

    • Providing expert advice on legal and financial restructuring to ensure compliance and improve financial health.

We shared experiences

"I had the privilege of working with Franck during the early stages of his illustrious career, as he was among the pioneering members of MKD PRODUCTION at its inception. In his role as a Key Account Manager for over two years, Franck's exceptional dedication and collaborative spirit were instrumental in our collective success. His contributions significantly propelled us through numerous challenges, helping to shape the company's path to achievement."
“Working with Franck has been very formative for me during these 3 years. I really appreciated his ability to consider the opinion of his collaborators and the confidence he gives to his team.”

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